Submissions are now closed!

The Call for Submissions for the CIES 2025 Annual Meeting is now closed! The submission deadline was September 10, 2024, at 11:59 pm ET. 

Notifications of submission acceptance or rejection will be sent out by October 30th.

School children sit at computers in a classroom.

Enter Proposal System

The Submission Process


Learn more about the CIES Annual Meeting guidelines for submission.

Types of Submissions

Submit proposals for formal papers, roundtables, posters, and more.

Submission Guidelines

Important Dates: Please take note of the changes to the CIES 2025 submission and programming timeline.

  • Deadline for all submissions: September 10, 2024, 11:59pm ET (no extensions will be made)
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: October 30, 2024, 11:59pm ET
  • Registration deadline for participants included in the program: December 10, 2024, 11:59pm ET
  • *All presenting authors, chairs, discussants, and any other attendees whose names should be listed in the program must register between November 5-December 10, 2024 at 11:59 pm, ET. Registration remains open until the last day of CIES 2024 (March 26, 2025) for those whose names are NOT listed in the Program.
  • Deadline for reserving a CIES special-rate-room at the Palmer House Chicago: February 17, 2025, 11:59pm ET
  • CIES 2025 conference program released: February 7, 2025
  • Deadline for refund request: February 22, 2025, 11:59pm ET
  • Online Meeting Hub: Opens on February 28, 2025
Important: Each member of a co-authored paper or group presentation (panel or roundtable), must create their own membership account at before a submission can be started. Free Submitter-Only accounts are available.

General Information and Policies: The CIES 2025 Annual Meeting Program consists of paper and poster presentations, workshops, and book launches selected through this open call and based on review processes guided by unit planners and committees. The Program also includes featured events such as the Presidential Address, invited keynote speeches, and other special events, including institutional receptions, SIG business meetings, and exhibits. In submitting to CIES 2025, the following policies apply:

  1. Adherence to the standards of academic integrity, such as originality and/or giving proper acknowledgements within your work.
  2. Compliance with the standards of professional conduct, including equity, diversity, and inclusivity (e.g., non-discrimination, non-exploitation, non-harassment, non-microaggression). For more details, see the CIES 2025 Policy Guidance on Inclusive and Welcoming Meeting and Event Environments.
  3. Adherence to the latest measures of health and safety, guided by the United States Centers for Disease Control. The City of Chicago has lifted its indoor mask mandate, its proof of vaccination requirement, and has no COVID related capacity restrictions; however, we highly encourage you to take appropriate health and safety measures during the duration of the Conference.
  4. Supporting the professional obligations as a CIES member, such as serving as a volunteer peer reviewer for other submissions and or as a Chair or Discussant.
  5. Should your work be accepted, committing to:
      1. Present the accepted submission at CIES 2025 at either an on-site or virtual session on the date and time that the Program committee schedules it.
      2. Sign up or renew as a CIES member and register as a CIES 2025 conference attendee no later than December 3, 2024 to appear on the Program.

    *Please note that both the conference registration fee and CIES membership fee are required for presenters, organizers, chairs and discussants, and other attendees whose names are listed in the Program. Non-presenting authors do not need to pay these fees if they do not attend the conference. The two fees for presenters and others who will be shown in the Program must each be paid fully through the CIES online payment system no later than December 3, 2024. Those who do not register and pay the fees on or before December 3, 2024 will not be included in the program.

  6. General conference registration opens on October 29, 2024 and will remain open until the last day of the CIES 2025 conference (March 26, 2025). Registration will only be available online, on-site payments will not be accepted. You are encouraged to register for both the CIES 2025 Conference and CIES membership, simultaneously.
  7. Follow and adhere to the Submission Information and Guidelines provided here.

Submission Information and Guidelines

  1. Submission is open to CIES members and non-members. Any CIES member or non-member may advance a submission to any SIG, General Pool or committee regardless of CIES membership or membership in a specific SIG or committee.
  2. Submissions will be made and managed online here Click on “Submit your proposal”  and follow its instructions to finish all steps of your submission in All Academic.
  3. Submission limits on first authorship. To promote broader participation in CIES 2025, individuals listed as “Presenting Author” will be limited to one paper/poster presentation but can appear as “Non-Presenting Authors” on other (co-authored) submissions, as well as participate as a chair, organizer and/or discussant. Submission limits do not include workshops, book launches, New Scholar proposals or other special sessions (e.g. invited speeches).
  4. Submission limits to a single SIG, General Pool or committee. Should an individual or group submit a proposal to multiple SIGs, General Pool or committees, all submissions will be removed from consideration. It is crucial to determine which SIG or Committee is suitable for the submission.
  5. Submission languages. A proposal may be submitted in a non-English language but must also include an English language version to facilitate the review process (the non-English language texts do not count towards the word limits). To foster a climate of inclusion, diversity, and interdisciplinarity, presenters are encouraged, when possible, feasible, practical, and/or pertinent to present bilingually or multilingually, with English being one of the languages included. For example, a presenter may speak in one language facilitated by a PowerPoint presentation in English, or vice versa (bilingual/multilingual presentations have the same time as those that use only English). Language interpreters will not be provided by CIES 2025.
  6. Originality of submissions. Submissions must represent original work.
  7. Anonymized submissions: Submissions in the formal paper, roundtable (individual and group), poster, formal panel/symposium, will be single-blind peer-reviewed. For this reason, no identifiable information about the author(s) can be included in the submitted abstract or proposal. Failure to exclude author identification from the abstract or proposal will automatically disqualify the submission(s) from consideration. References may include citations from the author(s) if applicable, but must be kept in line with the anonymization format in the APA style (7th ed.), e.g., replacing actual author names with (Author, 2023). The anonymization policy does not apply to workshops, book launches, or special sessions such as an invited keynote speech.
  8. Types of research contributions: While there are no strict boundaries between different types of research. Individuals submitting proposals will be asked to indicate which type of research best describes their contribution:
    1. Applied research: A report on a project or program intervention relevant to the theme of CIES 2025;
    2. Conceptual/theoretical research: A critique of literature, a program, or an institution relevant to the theme of CIES 2025; or
    3. Empirical research: an evidence-based qualitative, quantitative, and/or historical analysis relevant to the theme of CIES 2025.
  9. Questions to be addressed in submissions:
    1. Applied Research:
      • How is the topic relevant to CIES 2025?
      • What is the need, topic, interest or issue that the program or intervention tries to address?
      • What methods and guiding frameworks were used, and how can they address similar challenges elsewhere?
      • What was identified as successful; and/or what could have been done differently, knowing what is now known?
      • What was the project’s impact on the need, topic, interest, or issue it targeted? How was its impact assessed?
    2. Conceptual/Theoretical Research
      • How is the topic relevant to CIES 2025?
      • In reviewing literature or alternative perspectives, how does the contribution build on existing work?
      • How is the theoretical contribution situated in terms of linguistic, national, or geo-political contexts?
      • What are the implications of the critique for future practice, policy, or theory?
      • How original is the contribution? What do we learn that we did not know, and why is it important?
    3. Empirical Research
      • How is the topic relevant to CIES 2025?
      • What framework guided the research questions?
      • How are sources of information used to inform choices about data collection and analysis?
      • How do the research methods and results support the conclusions drawn from the data?
      • How original is the contribution? What do we learn that we did not know, and why is it important?

Types of Submissions and Presentation Formats

Formal Paper Presentation (individual or co-authored submission)

In formal paper presentations, the author or co-authors present an original paper. Selected paper presentations will be organized into a paper session by conference organizers, either through a SIG, CIES Standing Committee, or the General Pool. Paper sessions will combine three to four paper presentations in a 75-minute session. Each paper presenter will have 12-15 minutes to present their paper, followed by audience questions and discussion. In the case of co-authored presentations, more than one presenter may present within these 12-15 minutes. Each formal paper presentation can have Presenting Authors and Non-Presenting Authors. Each paper session is assigned a chair who moderates and monitors time; a discussant may also be assigned to offer commentary, critique and to elicit discussion.

Formal Paper (individual or co-authored) Submission Requirements:

  • A formal paper presentation submission is an individual or co-authored original abstract that will be the basis for the conference presentation
  • A formal paper presentation submission is submitted in the form of an abstract of a paper. The submission must be presented in a narrative form (i.e., presentation slides, and/or summary charts/tables/bullet points are not accepted)
  • Formal paper presentation submissions have a word count of 1,000 words or fewer

For full details on how to upload your submission, view the Formal Paper Presentation Instructions.

Roundtable Presentation (individual or co-authored submission)

Each roundtable presentation can have Presenting Authors and Non-Presenting Authors. Individual submissions will be combined with other roundtable individual submissions based on common themes or shared topics by conference organizers (either through a CIES SIG, CIES Standing Committee, or the General Pool). Roundtable sessions allow for enhanced collaboration and substantive discussion among participants. Roundtable sessions will combine three to four papers in a 75-minute session. Each paper presenter will have 8-10 minutes to present their paper, followed by a discussion facilitated by a discussant between presenters and attendees, providing an interactive setting for those who seek to engage in discussion about their work. In the case of co-authored presentations, more than one presenter may present within these 8-10 minutes. Each session is assigned a discussant who facilitates the discussion and monitors time. Audio-visual equipment is not provided for roundtable sessions; however, presenters may display information from their own tablet or laptop computer.

Roundtable Presentation (individual or co-authored) Submission Requirements:

  • A roundtable (individual) submission is an individual or co-authored original abstract that will be the basis for the roundtable session.
  • A roundtable (individual) submission is submitted in the form of an abstract of a paper. The submission must be presented in a narrative form (i.e., presentation slides, and/or summary charts/tables/bullet points are not accepted).
  • Roundtable (individual) submissions have a word count of 500 words or fewer.

For full details on how to upload your submission, view the Roundtable Presentation Instructions.

Poster Presentation (individual or co-created) Submission

Poster presentations offer the opportunity to visually summarize the findings of a paper/study and engage in informal discussions of the presenter’s work. The posters can have Presenting Authors and Non-Presenting Authors. Onsite poster presenters will set up displays representing their paper/study in a large area with other poster presenters. In addition to the dedicated poster space, there will be 75-minute poster sessions that aims to facilitate interaction between poster presenters and interested conference participants. Audio-visual equipment is not provided for poster presentations, but presenters may choose to distribute handouts and attach a QR code to their poster for further details or follow-up. Boards and pins will be provided for the poster display. Virtual presenters will be offered asynchronous sessions, three options are available: e-poster, video or both. Onsite poster presenters can also present virtually.

Poster (individual or co-created) Submission Requirements:

  • A poster submission is based on an individual or co-authored original paper that will be the basis for the conference presentation.
  • A poster submission must be submitted in the form of an abstract of a paper, and presented in a narrative form (i.e., presentation slides, and/or summary charts/tables/bullet points are not accepted).
  • Poster submissions have a word count of 500 words or fewer.

For full details on how to upload your submission, view the Poster Presentation Instructions.

Formal Panel/Symposium Presentation (group submission)

Formal panels/symposia provide an opportunity for coordinated interaction and exchange among presenters working on a common set of themes, questions, or problems related to either research or practice. Proposals for these 75-minute sessions are submitted by a group of presenters (at least three, no maximum) who designate their own chair and/or discussants.

 Formal Panel/Symposium Submission Requirements:

  • Each presenter must submit an individual or co-authored original abstract that is presented in a narrative form (i.e., presentation slides, and/or summary charts/tables/bullet points are not accepted).
  • An abstract of up to 1,000 words detailing the overall topic, as well as abstracts up to 500 words for each of the individual formal papers included.

For full details on how to upload your submission, view the Formal Panel Instructions.

Roundtable Session (group submission)

Roundtable sessions provide an opportunity for coordinated interaction and exchange organized by a group or team of researchers/scholars seeking an in-depth discussion on, for example, a joint-research project or collaborative work. Proposals for these 75-minute sessions are submitted by a group of presenters (at least three, no maximum) who designate their own chair and/or discussant(s). Audio-visual equipment is not provided for roundtable sessions.

Roundtable (group) Submission Requirements:

  • Each presenter must submit an individual or co-authored original abstract that is presented in a narrative form (i.e., presentation slides, and/or summary charts/tables/bullet points are not accepted).
  • Submissions for formal panel/symposium include an abstract of up to 1,000 words detailing the overall topic, as well as abstracts of up to 500 words for each of the individual formal papers included.

For full details on how to upload your submission, view the Roundtable Session Instructions.

The submission types described above will be single blind peer-reviewed using the following criteria:

  1. Relevance: Relevance of topic as related to the field of comparative and international education, CIES 2025 Conference Theme, and/or SIG/Committee;
  2. Theory/Context: Strength of theoretical framework or contextualization;
  3. Mode of Inquiry: Strength of critical analysis or research methods (including research question, design, data, collection, analysis, etc.);
  4. Findings: Clarity and coherence in the presentation of findings or argumentation; and
  5. Contribution (Type a or Type b):
    1. Scholarly originality or contribution to existing knowledge; or
    2. If this submission is a project report or a practice-oriented presentation, evaluate its application of existing scholarly knowledge.
Book Launch

Authors of books published between March 2024 and February 2025 are invited to submit proposals for book launches. Book launches are intended to provide an opportunity for CIES members to present recently published monographs and edited volumes in an interactive setting. Please note that authors are limited to one book launch submission only.

Book Launch Submission Requirements:

    • A maximum 600-word description of the book.
    • The name of the publisher
    • The date of publication
    • A table of contents

For full details on how to upload your submission, view the Book Launch Instructions.

Workshop Session

Workshop sessions are designed as professional development opportunities, offering a space for attendees to engage with experts on issues and questions related to research, policy, and practice in the field of comparative and international education. The vision for the workshops is to provide an interactive learning space through which attendees can enhance their skills, knowledge, and understanding of distinctive topics and their application to practice, training in curricular and pedagogical approaches, research methods, and data analysis. Workshops will be integrated into the regular programming for the 2025 CIES conference in order to provide more inclusive professional development opportunities for all attendees. The CIES 2025 program committee invites proposals for workshops lasting from a minimum of 75-minutes, up to 2 hours and 45 minutes (a double conference session) in duration.

Workshop Submission Requirements:

    • The duration of the workshop (75 minutes or 2 hours and 45 minutes)
    • The maximum number of participants (crucial for scheduling purposes);
    • A 600-word or less abstract that explains the purpose of the workshop, identifies learning objectives, and includes a delivery plan to reach expected outcomes;
    • The workshop presenters and a short professional biography.
    • Workshop submitter must indicate the preferred room setup and needs for audiovisual equipment. Conference organizers can provide only basic AV setup (a laptop, projector and screen); other equipment (e.g., flip charts with markers) must be provided by workshop organizers or may be ordered through the conference AV provider at an additional cost.

For full details on how to upload your submission, view the Workshop Instructions.

New Scholars Committee Workshops

There are two types of workshops organized by the Standing Committee of New Scholars: The New Scholars Dissertation Mentoring Workshop (NSDMW), and the New Scholars Publication Mentoring Workshop (NSPMW). Please note that participants may only partake one time in both the NSDMW or NSPMW workshops. If a new scholar was not selected one year, they may apply another year. To participate in one (or both) of the workshops, a proposal up to 750 words must be submitted to one or both workshops. These workshops will not be scheduled in the regular program. A New Scholar Committee officer will organize the workshops and provide the schedule to each selected participant.

    • New Scholars Dissertation Mentoring Workshop. The New Scholars Dissertation Mentoring Workshop (NSDMW) is a unique opportunity for doctoral students (Ph.D. and Ed.D.) to discuss their dissertation research in small groups with experienced scholars as well as with peers working on similar topics or who share methodological interests. Participants will receive feedback on the design, data collection, and/ or analysis of their dissertation.
    • New Scholars Publication Mentoring Workshop. The New Scholars Publication Mentoring Workshop (NSPMW) is a unique opportunity for doctoral candidates in the final dissertation writing stage, recent doctoral graduates, and early career professionals to discuss and to refine a paper intended for publication with experienced scholars and peers. Participants will receive feedback on their paper, particularly on the theoretical framework, methodology, and findings. The NSPMW will also contribute to strengthening contacts among peers in the field of Comparative and International Education.

For full details on how to upload your submission, view the New Scholars Committee Workshop Instructions.

Additional information

  • Please note that the conference is not hybrid; rather, it will consist of distinct on-site and virtual sessions throughout the conference. All virtual presentations will be accessible to registered on-site and virtual conference attendees. On-site individual and group presentations/sessions will not be available virtually. The Keynotes and Presidential Address will be recorded and available on the CIES website.
  • Participants from the Global South who have distinguished service to the CIES field, particularly those who work on educational reforms, are invited to apply for the CIES International Travel Award (ITA). Candidates who have received the award in the past are not eligible. Further information will be available here.
  • Important: Each member of a co-authored paper or group presentation (panel or roundtable), must create their own membership account at before a submission can be started. Free Submitter-Only accounts are available.


  • Inquiries about SIG or committee-specific themes and calls for submission, please contact the related chair(s). Information is available here: for SIG chairs and for Committee chairs.
  • For inquiries about your submission and/or the CIES 2025 Program, please write to the Organizing Committee at [email protected] with the subject line “Submission” or “Program.”
  • For other general inquiries, please contact the CIES Office of the Executive Director at [email protected].